I firmly believe that my attitude is the most precious asset I have. As such my mental dialogue is something I pay a lot of attention to. As such I love and value the practice of affirming what I want. Here are simple ways to reinvent your affirmations for success.
At first I followed Jack Canfield’s advice of “How to Turn Limp Affirmations Into Mantras for Success”, which is this:
- Enter the “now”: Start your affirmation by entering the present tense. Take the condition you desire and declare it to be already true.
- Be positive: Shine a light on what you do want, not what you don’t want. Our subconscious mind skips the word not, so delete this word from your affirmations. “I am not afraid of public speaking” gives us the message that you are afraid. Instead use, “I feel at ease as I speak in public.”
- Be concise: Shorter is better. Affirmations with fewer words are often easier to recall, especially in situations when you feel some stress. Rhyming makes your affirmations even more memorable. For example, “I am feeling alive at 185.”
- Include action: Whenever possible, affirm yourself as a person who takes action. For example: “I am gratefully driving my new Porsche along an open highway.” Action engages the Law of Attraction, creating new results in our lives and opening us to further inspiration.
- Include a feeling word: Powerful affirmations include content and emotion. Content describes the specific outcome that you desire. Emotion gets to the heart of how you feel about that outcome. For a more potent affirmation, add both elements.
But then I came across the work of Noah Saint John who suggests turning affirmations into questions, on the basis that the brain always seeks to answer questions, and I like it.
Here are some ideas to get started with this. This list is a work in progress so come back later for more!
- Why do I manage to be so adequate as I am?
- Why do I manage to carry peace and stillness in my heart so well as I go about my daily activities?
- Why do I manage to do such glorious work even though it is in progress?
- Why do I manage to listen to my inner voice so well every day and allow it to guide me?
- Why is it that at the end of the day, I am still fresh, energetic and full of vitality?
- Why is it that every day I am becoming a more worthwhile and interesting person who has much to offer?
- Why is it that every day I am so successful?
- Why is it that every day I manage to act exactly like the person I want to become?
- Why is it that every day in every way I am becoming better and better?
- Why is it that every experience I have is perfect for my growth?
- Why is it that fear is afraid of me?
- Why is it that I always attract only the best of circumstances and the best positive people in my life?
- Why is it that I always remember the right answers for tests?
- Why is it that I always think and act my way to happiness and know that happy feelings attract happy circumstances?
- Why is it that I am always prepared and know that I will succeed?
- Why is it that I am becoming more alive in the morning and love it?
- Why is it that I am becoming more assertive and can stand up for myself?
- Why is it that I am becoming more interested in other people and events outside my life?
- Why is it that I am becoming more self-assured and more self-confident each day?
- Why is it that I am completely relaxed when I interact with others?
- Why is it that I am deriving so much pleasure and excitement from dealing with others?
- Why is it that I am developing more energy and vitality every day?
- Why is it that I am self-reliant, creative and persistent in whatever I do?
- Why is it that I am so capable?
- Why is it that I am so clear on the fact that I am braver than I believe, stronger than I look, and smarter than I think?
- Why is it that I am so clear on the fact that I am worthy of great things in life?
- Why is it that I am so energetic and enthusiastic, and confidence is my second nature?
- Why is it that I am so grateful for so much Divine love showering on me?
- Why is it that I am so patient with others and myself?
- Why is it that I am such a great time-manager?
- Why is it that I am such an open channel for creative ideas?
- Why is it that I am willing to let go of the life I have planned so as to have the life that is waiting for me?
- Why is it that I can change my life to any direction that I desire?
- Why is it that I can I have all the time that I need to do everything I want to do?
- Why is it that I can I have everything that I need right in this moment?
- Why is it that I can I have so many blessings?
- Why is it that I can like myself so well, flaws and all?
- Why is it that I can speak on my feet and the thoughts flow freely through my mind?
- Why is it that I easily find solutions to challenges and roadblocks and move past them quickly?
- Why is it that I easily meet people and create positive and supportive relationships?
- Why is it that I exercise daily and love it?
- Why is it that I face difficulties and conflicts calmly and powerfully and deal easily with them?
- Why is it that I feel so alive, happy and free?
- Why is it that I find myself eating slower and tasting food more?
- Why is it that I get more filling satisfaction from less food every day?
- Why is it that I have integrated so well the knowledge that forgiveness is the eraser of guilt and fear and I am forgiven?
- Why is it that I have the power to change my circumstances?
- Why is it that I know beyond doubt that I am divinely guided at all times?
- Why is it that I know that I can receive love by giving love?
- Why is it that I know that my ability to succeed is unlimited?
- Why is it that I know that things always work out for the best?
- Why is it that I know there is only one of me, I am unique, and I am pleased with myself?
- Why is it that I know with such clarity that my point of power is now?
- Why is it that I know with such clarity that there are good things to learn from bad situations?
- Why is it that I know with such clarity that there is always a choice?
- Why is it that I know with such clarity that there is joy and pleasure in the most simple things in life?
- Why is it that I know with such clarity that things always get better?
- Why is it that I look to the future with a bright, positive and confident attitude toward myself?
- Why is it that I love life and look forward to each day with excitement?
- Why is it that I love meeting strangers and approach them with boldness and enthusiasm?
- Why is it that I make time to touch base with the present moment all throughout every day?
- Why is it that I manage to constantly develop a strong, healthy and positive attitude toward myself?
- Why is it that I manage to eat only at mealtimes, sparingly and properly?
- Why is it that I manage to have so much fun every day?
- Why is it that I notice others more and enjoy paying them sincere compliments?
- Why is it that I relax easily outside my house and with others?
- Why is it that I see the world with grateful eyes, and it fills my soul?
- Why is it that I sleep like a baby every night?
- Why is it that I so easily forgive all those people of my past who have ever hurt me in any way and I know that I am free?
- Why is it that I take great pleasure in doing the things that l want to do?
- Why is it that I trust myself so well and know my inner wisdom is always my best guide?
- Why is it that in selling, I am developing more enthusiasm every day?
- Why is it that my energy is boundless and I feel so alive?
- Why is it that my mind absorbs like a sponge and I recall for tests easily?
- Why is it that my retention span is steadily increasing?
- Why is it that my self-confidence is increasing by leaps and bounds?
- Why is it that my work output is steadily increasing?
- Why is it that there is nothing I can’t do if I just pause, meditate and connect to the energy and power inside and around me?
- Why is it that when I am faced with or confronted with challenges, all the material that I have learned, read, or heard on how to address them flows freely and easily through my mind and is easily recalled?
- Why is it that when I am studying, my mind works clearly and sharply and I retain that which I learn?
Financial abundance
- Why is it that financial success is a game that is so easy for me to play everyday and in every way?
- Why is it that I align myself everyday more and more with the energy of unlimited abundance?
- Why is it that I am so good at setting goals for myself and joyfully moving towards them?
- Why is it that I am developing more energy and vitality every day?
- Why is it that I am so much at peace with having a lot of money?
- Why is it that I am so open and receptive to all the wealth life offers me?
- Why is it that I am such a magnet for money?
- Why is it that I am the wise master of my wealth?
- Why is it that I can handle massive success with so much grace?
- Why is it that I constantly attract exciting opportunities that create more money?
- Why is it that I have eliminated all fears of failure from my mind and feel good about that?
- Why is it that I inspire the people around me fill them with confidence, energy and trust?
- Why is it that I know Why to handle large sums of money well and with ease and I am very good at it?
- Why is it that I know with such clarity that the world is always filled with so many opportunities?
- Why is it that I my actions create constant prosperity?
- Why is it that I my finances improve beyond my dreams?
- Why is it that I see and feel my goals more clearly every day until they finally become reality?
- Why is it that I so much love contributing to the Universal flow of abundance?
- Why is it that I so wisely use money to better my life and the lives of others?
- Why is it that I so worthy of making so much more money and know I deserve it?
- Why is it that money is such a good friend for me and I am so grateful for it?
- Why is it that money so easily and abundantly comes to me in expected and unexpected ways?
- Why is it that my business associates and partners feel my positive, success-expecting attitude?
- Why is it that my life is filled with so much love, joy, prosperity and abundance?
- Why is it that my mind constantly fills itself with abundance thinking?
- Why is it that my personal connection to the Universe is enough for me to create all the wealth I want?
- Why is it that my positive attitude is a magnet that attracts so much financial success to me?
- Why is it that my true will is to be and feel prosperous and successful, and the Universe hears it?
- Why is it that prosperity is drawn to me as easily as bees are attracted to honey?
- Why is it that prosperity, wealth and abundance flow to me easily and effortlessly?
Watch your Thoughts, they become words.
Watch your Words, they become actions.
Watch your Actions, they become habits.
Watch your Habits, they become your character.
Watch your Character, it becomes your destiny.
Watch your Words, they become actions.
Watch your Actions, they become habits.
Watch your Habits, they become your character.
Watch your Character, it becomes your destiny.
Related links
- 120 Inspirational Quotes About Laughter
- 120 Inspiring Three Word Quotes
- 120 Two Word Quotes: Simply Awesome, Perfectly Fabulous!
Wow! Those are wonderful list. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! What a blessing for me to find these when I need something to keep my mind positively occupied. Thank you Sebastian for writing this. You’re a blessing!