About Connie Costa

Connie Costa is a Laughter Wellness Teacher and the founder of Laugh and Live Well. She is based in Sydney, Australia. Connie is passionate about researching the many benefits of laughter and enabling people to experience the benefits for themselves, through her laughter wellness workshops and programs. She facilitates a variety of laughter-based workshops for corporate organizations and workplaces, including Laughter Wellness for Holistic Health. She also coordinates Bondi Beach Laughter Club, a non-profit community give-back. More of her articles, and further information, can be found at www.laughandlivewell.com.

Why Laughter Wellness is an Effective Recovery Activity for Emotional Labour

2024-01-19T08:17:37-08:00Benefits Of Laughter|

If your job involves emotional labour, you may find that you regularly need to suppress your real emotions and express emotions that you don’t really feel, in order to convey the ‘correct’ emotions for your role. This article reviews when this is OK and when it's not, and how Laughter Wellness interventions can help.

Social Media Tip: A Hashtag Strategy For Laughter Events And Conferences

2018-11-16T07:48:49-08:00Tips: Laughter Business|

If you’re planning and hosting a laughter event such as a laughter conference or World Laughter Day celebration, social media can help you to connect with your audience and increase your event exposure. One way of enhancing your social media campaign is through a hashtag strategy. At the Australian 2015 Laughter Conference and Immersion, laughter [...]

Parkinson Disease Treatment: How Laughter Helps (Part 2)

2022-04-28T00:56:22-08:00Benefits Of Laughter|

[Part 1] This article continues the discussion of why laughter is a great form of complementary therapy that deserves to be included in your Parkinson’s disease treatment plan. It was written after the implementation phase of a Laughter class for people living with Parkinson’s and their carers. The laughter session was arranged for a Parkinson [...]

Parkinson’s Disease Treatment: How Laughter Helps

2022-04-28T00:14:19-08:00Benefits Of Laughter|

This article discusses why laughter is a great form of complementary therapy that deserves to be included in your Parkinson's disease treatment plan. Seriously. Parkinson’s disease is a progressive neurological disorder that affects the control and coordination of body movements. It starts with the slow degeneration of dopamine-producing cells well before any noticeable motor symptoms [...]

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