Speaking Tip: How to prepare a presentation
There is an updated (improved) version of this article at https://www.laughteronlineuniversity.com/how-to-write-a-speech/
There is an updated (improved) version of this article at https://www.laughteronlineuniversity.com/how-to-write-a-speech/
Inspired By Sue Carter Ansari Written By Marie Kratz-Jezierski and Sue Carter Ansari The Lymphatic Mystery Will Now Be Exposed. What Are Those Lil’ Nubbins? The Question’s Been Posed. Hundreds Of Lymph Nodes Ceaselessly Cleaning In Neck, Arms And Groin Send Invaders Careening. Without These Nodes, Our Immune Systems Won’t Work. Lymph’s Filtered Through Them [...]
General Education For Laughter Professionals Maybe We've Been Thinking About Addiction All Wrong. The opposite of drug addiction is not sobriety, it’s connection, according to best-selling author Johann Hari. Laughter Yoga and Laughter Clubs are loosing speed (See Google trends https://goo.gl/eqlEXS), which is why it is important to give lots of public awareness seminars. [...]
One of the many wonderful learnings of the 2015 All America Laughter conference was shared by Terri Reasoner and Mary Ann Finn and is called the laughter buddy pledge. Terri and Mary Ann came up with this idea after participating in the 2014 All America Laughter conference. Both wanted to keep the laughter energy flowing far [...]
The 2015 All America Laughter Conference took place in Portland, Oregon, on 10/22-25. Close to 100 participants were in attendance, coming from all 4 corners of North America and as far as Israel, Argentina and Ecuador. You will find the notes taken by our two volunteer note takers Daniella Mostow and Judy Mikeska here (clicking [...]
General Education For Laughter Professionals eBook: A Playful Path: This is the latest in a series of books and articles that Bernie De Koven has written thus far to share his thoughts and (especially) his feelings about one of the most important and yet least understood and appreciated elements in human experience: play. Book summary: [...]
This blog is about an experience I recently had where, for the first time in my 11 years full time laughter career, 911 had to be called, morphine administered, and one of my laughter club participant sent to hospital. Here is the context. I have been leading a weekly laughter club in my community since 2005. The [...]
A Japanese research study showed that laughter therapy is an efficient low-cost medical treatment that cuts health costs. Geneticist Kazuo Murakami considers that laughter is a stimulant, which can trigger energy inside a person's DNA potentially helping cure disease. "Laughing therapy has no side-effect, meaning it is an epoch-making treatment for clinical medicine," he said. "If [...]
This may be far-fetched, but then again maybe not. I read today with great interest about the (still fairly new) science of epigenetics that has proven that powerful environmental conditions (near death from starvation, for instance) can somehow leave an imprint on the genetic material in eggs and sperm. These genetic imprints can short-circuit evolution and [...]
General Education For Laughter Professionals Laughter in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Times. The Laughing Buddha Watch: Here’s what happens to your brain when you laugh The Seven Levels of Keynote Speakers Understanding the buyer's journey. Phobias Part 1, Gelotophobia – The Fear of Laughter The word "Laughter" in Old English was "Hleahtor" [...]