About Sebastian Gendry

Sebastian Gendry is a French-American wellness innovator and creator of the Laughter Wellness method. A TEDx speaker featured on Oprah, 60 Minutes, and ABC’s Good Morning America, he has helped thousands across five continents reduce stress and build resilience through the power of therapeutic laughter. His science-based techniques deliver proven 35% stress reduction in a single session. Sebastian’s dynamic presentations blend positive psychology, mindfulness, and playful practices to create lasting transformation. His mission is to help people worldwide rediscover their innate capacity for joy and resilience.

Should doctors medicate people who laugh too much?

2019-10-26T15:38:41-08:00The Laughter Blog|

I was recently made aware of a new (anti-laughter) drug “Neurodex” that treats a newly created disorder called Involuntary Emotional Expression Disorder (IEED) or Emotional Lability, and asked to share my thoughts about it. My humble guess is that the person asking the question wanted me to say that this new drug is one more illustration of how the Diagnostic [...]

Continuing Laughter Education: April 2015

2018-11-14T18:17:59-08:00Laughter News|

General Education For Laughter Professionals Educate yourself on lifestyle medicine. If you are a Laughter Pro, this is what you do. What are your values? Lasting happiness is only possible if your values find their full potential in your work. How to organize a New Games tournament. 50 sentences to compliment someone's smile 10 [...]

How To Be Happy In Life: 12 Qualities Of Happiness

2018-10-02T20:08:05-08:00The Laughter Blog|

In What Happy People Know author Dan Baker explains how to be happy in life. First realize that happiness doesn’t come all at once. It doesn’t “happen” to us. It is a catch-all term for a condition that is really a by-product of several different “qualities” or ways of being. These we have control over; they [...]

25 suggestions on how to live a happy life

2018-11-14T17:04:15-08:00The Laughter Blog|

Cherish your children for what they are, not for what you’d like them to be. Choose your life’s mate carefully. From this one decision will come ninety percent of all your happiness or misery. Don’t postpone joy. Don’t waste time learning the “tricks of the trade.” Instead, learn the trade. Focus on making things better, [...]

Continuing Laughter Education: March 2015

2018-11-14T17:05:14-08:00Laughter News|

General Education For Laughter Professionals Why Laughter Scares Depression, Anxiety, Activates Happy Feelings. The Brain Loves to Play, and Here's Why! General advice about laughing with kids in an auditorium. Laughter As A Complementary Therapy For People with Parkinson’s (Part 1) Laughter As A Complementary Therapy For People with Parkinson’s (Part 2) Template "Today's Laughter [...]

Mitakuye Oyasin: All Are Related

2018-11-14T17:21:38-08:00The Laughter Blog|

Mitakuye Oyasin (All Are Related) is a traditional Lakota Sioux prayer which reflects the inherent belief of most Native American traditions and belief systems that "Everything is Connected". Here is how it works: Leader Participants Aho Mitakuye Oyasin....All my relations. I honor you in this circle of life with me today. I am grateful [...]

40 ideas to experience childlike playfulness as adults

2023-04-11T01:17:37-08:00Ways To More Laughter|

Laughter leads to playfulness, and playfulness equally leads you back to laughter. An easy way to laugh spontaneously more is to play more, because laughter is a natural outcome of playful behaviors. Give yourself permission to play every day! Here is list of 40 ideas to experience childlike playfulness - the preciousness of fantasy and imagination [...]

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