About Sebastian Gendry

Sebastian Gendry is a French-American wellness innovator and creator of the Laughter Wellness method. A TEDx speaker featured on Oprah, 60 Minutes, and ABC’s Good Morning America, he has helped thousands across five continents reduce stress and build resilience through the power of therapeutic laughter. His science-based techniques deliver proven 35% stress reduction in a single session. Sebastian’s dynamic presentations blend positive psychology, mindfulness, and playful practices to create lasting transformation. His mission is to help people worldwide rediscover their innate capacity for joy and resilience.

The case against silliness

2018-04-03T17:37:02-08:00The Laughter Blog|

This article is a review of words frequently used in the world of laughter, the message they really convey and its impact. Words dictate thoughts, which create actions, which shape your life. You can change your life just by changing your words. Many people associate simulated laughter with silliness (acting silly) or being funny or childish. I [...]

Top 10 most prescribed drugs in the USA, How laughter can help

2018-11-14T17:19:29-08:00The Laughter Blog|

Everybody knows that laughter feels good, but few realize that it can also be used as a powerful form of complementary medicine that can enhance the healing impact of other established modalities. 10 most prescribed drugs in the USA (new prescriptions and refills) Cost: Medium to high. Side-effects: Numerous, unpleasant. How laughter can help Cost: [...]

Top 10 most successful drugs in the USA, How laughter can help

2018-11-14T17:18:23-08:00The Laughter Blog|

Everybody knows that laughter feels good, but few realize that it can also be used as a powerful form of complementary medicine that can enhance the healing impact of other established modalities. 10 most successful drugs in the USA by sales Cost: Medium to high. Side-effects: Numerous, unpleasant. How laughter can help Cost: Nil [...]

How to start and run a Mastermind group

2018-04-03T17:14:23-08:00Tips: Laughter Business|

The concept of the "mastermind alliance" was formally introduced by Napoleon Hill in his timeless classic, "Think And Grow Rich." He wrote about the mastermind group principle as "The coordination of knowledge and effort of two or more people, who work toward a definite purpose, in the spirit of harmony." He continues "No two minds [...]

Norman Cousins Anatomy Of An Illness: Full Video, More

2022-04-05T09:58:31-08:00The Laughter Blog|

Dr Norman Cousins, author of "Norman Cousins Anatomy Of An Illness" was a longtime editor of the Saturday Review, global peacemaker, receiver of hundreds of awards including the UN Peace Medal and nearly 50 honorary doctorate degrees. In 1964 following a very stressful trip to Russia, he was diagnosed with ankylosing spondylitis (a degenerative disease [...]

Continuing Laughter Education: February 2015

2018-11-14T17:15:06-08:00Laughter News|

General Education For Laughter Professionals 8 kinds of fun A deck of fun 4 keys to fun (http://www.xeodesign.com/assets/images/4k2f.jpg) Passion manifesto (PDF download) 15 Fascinating Facts About Our Smiles, And More The Economics Of Workplace Laughter, Boosts Morale, Positivity, Productivity. Captivate your audience with these pitching techniques. Seven creative approaches to stress management. Social Benefits Of Laughter, [...]

Seven creative approaches to stress management

2018-11-14T17:13:46-08:00Ways To More Laughter|

Stress is a silent killer that's far too expensive to ignore. Keep calm. Here are simple ways to address it. Put simply every experience has a structure. When you change the structure, you change the experience. Try any (or all!) of the following next time you are really stressed and see how effective simple things [...]

Understanding The Sound of Laughter: Cheat Sheet

2018-12-11T08:07:14-08:00The Laughter Blog|

This article reviews the sound of laughter and the surprising impact of the ha, he, hi, ho, and hu wavelengths on our physiology. Everybody knows that every time we speak, we emit sounds inside us with words, but did you know that our tones of voice, chants and Laughter (in other words, our inner music [...]

Five categories of laughter

2018-11-14T17:11:36-08:00The Laughter Blog|

There is much more to laughter than what first meets the eye. Laughter falls into one of five categories: Spontaneous laughter. This is unrelated to one’s free will, and is triggered by different (external) stimuli and positive emotions. Humor belongs to this group, amongst several other techniques. It has been around since time immemorial, with [...]

Laughter in the animal kingdom

2018-11-14T17:09:03-08:00The Laughter Blog|

Studies by various groups suggest monkeys, dogs and even rats love a good laugh. "Neural circuits for laughter exist in very ancient regions of the brain, and ancestral forms of play and laughter existed in other animals eons before we humans came along with our 'ha-ha-has' and verbal repartee," says Jaak Panksepp, a neuroscientist at [...]

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