How to deepen the impact of your laughter sessions: The H.E.A.L. framework
Take the impact of your laughter programs to the next level with the HEAL framework!
Take the impact of your laughter programs to the next level with the HEAL framework!
This article explores the why and proposes a simple how to manage stress. Stress is a well-known slow killer, is rampant in our society, and is very expensive on all levels. Its mechanisms are complex. It impacts everybody differently, but its end-result is easy to observe and explain. It creates havoc in the human body, [...]
There are many free online resources available that are worth reading on the topic of Positive Psychology. Here is a database containing 500 of the most popular webpages, writings, articles and pieces written on this topic.
In a unique order by a family court in Pune, a warring couple was recently sent for laughter yoga therapy to help resolve what marriage counseling and mediation failed to do.
I firmly believe that my attitude is the most precious asset I have. As such my mental dialogue is something I pay a lot of attention to. As such I love and value the practice of affirming what I want. Here are simple ways to reinvent your affirmations for success. At first I followed Jack [...]
The U.K. healthcare group Bupa sponsored in 2015 a survey that asked 2,000 people to name their favorite feel-good moments. Freshly made sheets came top of the list, followed by feeling the sun on the face. Here is the full list: Sleeping in a freshly-made bed Feeling the sun on your face People saying "thank [...]
There are so many “voices” in this world telling kids they don’t measure up. Behind every young child who believes in him or her, is a parent who believed in him or her first. Help your kids see how truly wonderful they are. Here are some suggestions to get started:
We were all once children, and still have that child dwelling within us. Yet to become adults, we've been taught that our inner child--representing our child-like capacity for innocence, wonder, awe, joy, sensitivity and playfulness--must be stifled, quarantined or even killed. This can create a lot of challenges and dysfunctions as true adulthood hinges on [...]
This recent report, based on the responses of 2,279 students in 26 nations, found that more than 40% of respondents had anxiety scores in the moderate to severe range, and that nearly 40% showed signs of moderate to severe depression. Laughter Wellness to the rescue! See
This is a very interesting article by Rick and Forrest Hanson about what they call the HEAL system: Have a beneficial experience, Enrich it, Absorb it, Link it. Personally I find that this is a very elegant way to structure any relaxation experience after an enriching activity class (e.g., a Laughter Wellness session!) See