About Sebastian Gendry

Sebastian Gendry is a French-American wellness innovator and creator of the Laughter Wellness method. A TEDx speaker featured on Oprah, 60 Minutes, and ABC’s Good Morning America, he has helped thousands across five continents reduce stress and build resilience through the power of therapeutic laughter. His science-based techniques deliver proven 35% stress reduction in a single session. Sebastian’s dynamic presentations blend positive psychology, mindfulness, and playful practices to create lasting transformation. His mission is to help people worldwide rediscover their innate capacity for joy and resilience.

Laughter, Exercise and Dialysis

2018-12-14T15:23:16-08:00Benefits Of Laughter, Laughter News|

Here is the video of a laughter presentation Prof. Paul Bennett and myself gave last year at a national Dialysis conference in Washington DC. Exercise and Dialysis: What Can Busy Nephrology Nurses Do? This session reviews barriers to exercise in the kidney disease patient population and provides strategies for nurses to encourage and incorporate intradialytic [...]

AARP: Laughter Can Be as Good as Exercise for the Brain

2018-12-14T15:23:42-08:00Laughter News|

From AARP (38+ million members in the USA in the 55+ age group): Laughter Can Be as Good as Exercise for the Brain. "Laughing is a simple thing that anyone can do,” says Gulshan Sethi, a cardiothoracic surgeon at the Tucson Medical Center. “You don’t have to take any medicine. There are no adverse side [...]

Random Acts Of Kindness Made Simple

2018-12-14T14:57:57-08:00Ways To More Laughter|

I love the random acts of kindness challenge. The idea is to inspire people to make a life-long commitment to service and kindness. The event challenges participants to complete a checklist of a set amount of acts of kindness in one week, including such things as holding the door for someone, helping a friend, [...]

Top 5 Regrets Of The Dying

2018-12-14T15:23:22-08:00Laughter News|

People grow a lot when they are faced with their own mortality. Here are common regrets people in palliative care with weeks to live have or anything they would do differently: I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me. I wish I didn’t [...]

Is Laughter Really About Happiness? Reviewing 4 States Of Being, From Pleasure To Bliss

2018-11-16T09:07:17-08:00The Laughter Blog|

I hear many of my colleagues associate laughter with happiness. While I understand where they are coming from, I have a different perspective. But first let's review the definition of 4 different states of being (*) to see where happiness fits in there: 1. Pleasure: Is a "physiological" sensation rooted in the body. Examples of [...]

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