About Sebastian Gendry

Sebastian Gendry is a French-American wellness innovator and creator of the Laughter Wellness method. A TEDx speaker featured on Oprah, 60 Minutes, and ABC’s Good Morning America, he has helped thousands across five continents reduce stress and build resilience through the power of therapeutic laughter. His science-based techniques deliver proven 35% stress reduction in a single session. Sebastian’s dynamic presentations blend positive psychology, mindfulness, and playful practices to create lasting transformation. His mission is to help people worldwide rediscover their innate capacity for joy and resilience.

Laughter and tears: Why do I feel sad sometimes when I laugh?

2018-10-02T20:29:36-08:00The Laughter Blog|

In general: Do not be afraid of your tears. Refusing to embrace your shadow is refusing to accept your humanity. It never ends well. In particular: Laughing and crying are very closely related. You cannot stimulate one without stimulating the other. Laughing and crying engage the same set of muscles, only with different contractions: laughing [...]

Do I need public liability insurance to teach Laughter Therapy?

2018-11-16T08:37:05-08:00Tips: Laughter Business|

If you have checked and you are not covered by anybody else’s general liability policy, then it is a good idea to get your own for peace of mind. Always give ample of consideration to safe practice if you choose to go without! You may also want to review your existing insurance policies and/or ask [...]

Continuing Laughter Education: August 2016

2018-12-14T15:31:32-08:00Tips: Laughter Business|

Resources DIY Dancing Ribbons Dancing Scarves ROPALIA Womens Chiffon Belly Dance Shawl Veil Scarf Deep Fun: Collections - links to resources on play, including lots of games General Education For Laughter Professionals Movement Matters! An Introduction to Brain Gym (27 page document on brain gym) Group discussion: design preferences for laughter yoga [...]

Continuing Laughter Education: July 2016

2018-12-14T15:31:40-08:00Tips: Laughter Business|

General Education For Laughter Professionals Laughter Wellness for your Mind, Body and Spirit Laughter Wellness Comes To Australia! Group discussion: All-time favourite laughter exercises Group discussion: The difference between a ‘concept’ and ‘method’ Group discussion: Laughter with People with Parkinson’s Group discussion: What are you doing to inspire others? Group discussion: Has anybody here [...]

Continuing Laughter Education: June 2016

2018-12-14T15:31:47-08:00Tips: Laughter Business|

Resources The Creative Dance Centre: see books & resources by Anne Green Gilbert 505 Best Of Laughter Exercises by Sebastien Gendry Laughter Clubs in the UK General Education For Laughter Professionals Sebastien Gendry: What is a 2 Day Laughter Wellness Playshop? Laughter Yoga Tips for Effortless Laughter A Daily Laugh: Creating a [...]

Continuing Laughter Education: May 2016

2018-12-14T15:31:53-08:00Tips: Laughter Business|

Resources New Moon Abundance Cheques – download PDF Creative Goal Setting – Work Book by Marianne Thorne Creative Goal Setting – Program by Marianne Thorne Numerology – E-book by Marianne Thorne General Education For Laughter Professionals How to list your laughter clubs and events on google map What is Laughter Therapy? Book [...]

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