About Sebastian Gendry

Sebastian Gendry is a French-American wellness innovator and creator of the Laughter Wellness method. A TEDx speaker featured on Oprah, 60 Minutes, and ABC’s Good Morning America, he has helped thousands across five continents reduce stress and build resilience through the power of therapeutic laughter. His science-based techniques deliver proven 35% stress reduction in a single session. Sebastian’s dynamic presentations blend positive psychology, mindfulness, and playful practices to create lasting transformation. His mission is to help people worldwide rediscover their innate capacity for joy and resilience.

Continuing Laughter Education: January 2016

2018-12-14T15:32:22-08:00Tips: Laughter Business|

General Education For Laughter Professionals The 10 Keys To Happier Living (published by the Action For Happiness non-profit organization) Huna exercises: Ho’oponopono to Heal Your Inner and Outer Worlds Beautifully put, Sue Carter Ansari: "Laughter, an exaggerated form of breathing, whether deep or shallow, engages the diaphragm. Engaging the diaphragm also signals the parasympathetic [...]

LOU Facebook Group Comments Policy

2019-09-26T07:42:38-08:00Policies of the Laughter Online University|

Group Purpose The Laughter Wellness Community Facebook Group was created in 2012. It is an online sharing and discussion forum for Laughter Wellness enthusiasts and practitioners to share and learn one from another, learn the latest trends and how to implement them, and get lots of new ideas, tips and tricks on how to better [...]

Science Corner: What We Found Out In 2015

2018-12-14T15:32:30-08:00Tips: Laughter Business|

Here is a review of what we found out about the science of laughter and happiness in 2015. Reminder: We have posted dozens of articles on the science of laughter (nicely summarized) here. January 2015 What Playful Animals Can Teach Us About The Biology Of Fun. Here is a review of what is currently [...]

2015 LOU Facebook Group, Best Of

2018-12-14T15:32:43-08:00The Laughter Blog|

The LOU Facebook group is at https://www.facebook.com/groups/louprozone/ Most liked 110 likes: Sebastien is getting married 47 likes: Sebastien leads a sell out session for 130 people in Ecuador, has to close doors 44 likes: Merry Christmas 2015 31 likes: Brief explanation of how laughter impacts the body by Sue Ansari 29 likes: Diagram explaining [...]

Continuing Laughter Education: December 2015

2018-12-14T15:32:49-08:00Tips: Laughter Business|

General Education For Laughter Professionals Encouragement ecards Hierarchy Of Imagination. Did you know that the quality of thoughts depends upon the kind of hormones which are circulating in your body? Everyone says ‘Think Positive’ but this is easier said than done. We have no control over what’s happening in the outside world, but you [...]

Business Tips 2015

2018-11-16T08:11:32-08:00Tips: Laughter Business|

Business Books To Read eBook: The 80/20 principle (by Richard Koch). eBook: The Wisdom of Crowds 790 business book summaries with personality. Insights you can apply in five minutes. Free ebooks on how to do business for people in the speaking trade. (Excellent!) Tips For Sales Patients hospitalized for cancer treatment commonly use complementary and integrative [...]

Teaching and Speaking Tips

2018-12-12T19:54:06-08:00Tips: Teaching & Speaking|

Tips For Public Speakers How to give a stellar presentation. To be considered more approachable at networking events, wear a custom magnetic name badge with your name, company name and logo. You are much more approachable when wearing a name tag. Most people won’t approach those they don’t know and worry about approaching people [...]

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