About Torkom Saraydarian

Torkom was born in Asia Minor. Since childhood he was trained in the Teachings of the Ageless Wisdom under the guidance of his loving father. He continued his search and training and found how the Ancient Wisdom Teachings shed light on the man's quest to understand life. He dedicated his entire life to search for the Light of Wisdom and expressed his findings and understanding in speech, writing, music, and leadership. His legacy is the expression of his inner growth. http://www.tsgfoundation.org

Building Rapport With Women

2018-12-06T10:46:34-08:00The Laughter Blog|

The following article by Torkom Saraydarian offers invaluable relation tips on building better rapport with women. In Torkom's words "If the couple participates in fun activities and plays various games together, they fuse their hearts, and their problems are easier to resolve." Most of our social problems, upheavals and troubles originate from unhappy relationships between men and [...]

Some Straight Talk About The Healing Power of Love

2018-12-11T08:00:21-08:00The Laughter Blog|

Do you believe in the healing power of love? Love is a Being, a great Magnet, a great Energy Who out of His own substance created everything that exists. This is a fact which is not well-known, although many philosophers and disciples have hinted about it throughout the ages. The more love you express, the [...]

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