“Show me the money” … Jerry Maguire

This is one of the most memorable movie quotes ever. While the film buffs out there may cite “You had me at hello” from the same film as better, this is the one that sticks in my mind. It shows just how frustrating it can be to keep being reminded that business is all about “the money.”

The focus of business should never be about money. Money is one of two outcomes that you achieve once you have created a Strategic Business Plan and then work hard to achieve it. The focus should be about identifying where the opportunities are. These will then present themselves as financially viable … or not. As our businesses grow we not only have to identify what to pursue, but also what we have to leave behind.

Here are the steps that can help you to “find the money.”

  1. You begin by identifying all of the clients that you have access to that you are comfortable presenting to. The ideal client is usually the one that you can relate to the best.
  2. Then you list all of the laughter products and services that you have. These range from workshops, to trainings, to DVD’s and so on. From here you can select which product or service will suit which client the best.
  3. It’s really important that you know where your clients are positioned and where they see you. Do they want high-end high value offerings, or low. This gives you an indication of how much they are prepared to pay.
  4. So where are you positioned? There is no point in asking for more than what your marketing says that you’re perceived to be worth.
  5. And the final step is to know where you and your market are at right now. Is there a perfect match or a marriage made in hell! When you walk through their door will you “have them at hello”.

A different way to look at this

How do I get laughter opportunities in the Corporate or Business World? It’s easy. Identify their pain and ease it.“Where do we find this information” they then ask…easy again. Look in the newspapers. An article in The Australian on the 28

Where do you  find this information? Easy again. Look in the newspapers. An article in The Australian on the 28th January detailed that Workplace Bullying is costing more that $15 billion per annum. Now there’s an opportunity for us if ever I’ve seen one. People who conduct themselves in this way quite simply are not happy…usually with themselves. Can our laughter programs address this…yes ! ! !

Problem Cause Solution

So with this information in mind you need to have the conversation with the business as to whether this is an issue with their organization. If it is you then need to uncover why this is happening. Once you’ve done this you can then determine how Laughter Yoga can solve this cause. If it can, set a date and time…if it can’t laugh and walk away. Leave your details with them and tell them to call you next time they need a “business pain doctor”

Keynote Workshop or Program

If you do get the gig you now need to decide how are you going to present laughter to them. Essentially you have three options. 1. You can do a keynote for one hour or less…a workshop for three to four hours…or an on-going program over a series of visits. Be clear about what you are trying to achieve and how they can measure the impact of your program and then “go for it”.

If you have any further questions about where the money opportunities may be for you then please feel free to email me at mervneal@laughteryoga.org at anytime.