The Secret to Happiness Isn’t Laughter: Dozens Of Deeper Truths

2024-04-02T02:43:49-08:00The Laughter Blog, Ways To More Laughter|

It's a common notion within the laughter community that laughter might well be the key to happiness. I beg to differ with this oversimplified cliché. Laughter has immense value, yes, but it's crucial to recognize it as a means to enrich our journey, not the ultimate goal or solution. For lasting happiness and fulfillment, [...]

From Chuckles to Healing: 2023’s Comprehensive Guide to Laughter Studies

2024-01-11T15:10:29-08:00Benefits Of Laughter, Laughter News, The Laughter Blog|

In an era marked by fast change and many challenges, understanding how to care for our well-being and that of those around us is more important than ever. This article brings together 23 insightful studies from 2023, each illuminating the healing power of laughter. Page Index: The Healing Power of Laughter These [...]

Laughter TEDx: Ready For Inspiration?

2019-01-14T18:14:00-08:00The Laughter Blog|

As far as I'm concerned TEDx events are one of the best things that have happened in the world of continuing adult education this past decade. Imagine a day filled with brilliant speakers offering a suite of short, carefully prepared talks, demonstrations and performances that are idea-focused, and cover a wide range of subjects to foster learning, [...]

The Best (Fake But Beautiful) Hafiz Quotes On Laughter

2024-01-11T04:01:39-08:00The Laughter Blog|

Hafiz was a Persian poet from the 14th century who became acclaimed throughout the Islamic world during his lifetime, and remains one of the most celebrated of the Persian poets today ("A poet is someone who can pour light into a cup, then raise it to nourish your beautiful, parched holy mouth.") The "fake" part [...]

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