The Fun Theory

2018-11-14T18:12:17-08:00The Laughter Blog|

This is an article written by master play-smith Bernie DeKoven on the fun theory and how all can achieve peak performance the fun way through mutual empowerment. (Reproduced with permission.) - - - From To Description 00:00 01:06 Introduction Group clapping warm-up 01:17 19:12 Theory from Mihalyi Csikz Entma Haly. Haly was a social psychologist [...]

Cancer: Laughter is complementary medicine, not cure

2018-10-02T20:25:31-08:00The Laughter Blog|

The idea that laughter is a valid form of complementary medicine that can help cancer patient is not new. The most common cause of cancer is stress. Extreme physical, mental and emotional stress weakens our immune system, and a weak immune system is a major causative factor in the development of cancer. Scientific studies have proved [...]

Should doctors medicate people who laugh too much?

2019-10-26T15:38:41-08:00The Laughter Blog|

I was recently made aware of a new (anti-laughter) drug “Neurodex” that treats a newly created disorder called Involuntary Emotional Expression Disorder (IEED) or Emotional Lability, and asked to share my thoughts about it. My humble guess is that the person asking the question wanted me to say that this new drug is one more illustration of how the Diagnostic [...]

Building Rapport With Women

2018-12-06T10:46:34-08:00The Laughter Blog|

The following article by Torkom Saraydarian offers invaluable relation tips on building better rapport with women. In Torkom's words "If the couple participates in fun activities and plays various games together, they fuse their hearts, and their problems are easier to resolve." Most of our social problems, upheavals and troubles originate from unhappy relationships between men and [...]

Some Straight Talk About The Healing Power of Love

2018-12-11T08:00:21-08:00The Laughter Blog|

Do you believe in the healing power of love? Love is a Being, a great Magnet, a great Energy Who out of His own substance created everything that exists. This is a fact which is not well-known, although many philosophers and disciples have hinted about it throughout the ages. The more love you express, the [...]

How To Be Happy In Life: 12 Qualities Of Happiness

2018-10-02T20:08:05-08:00The Laughter Blog|

In What Happy People Know author Dan Baker explains how to be happy in life. First realize that happiness doesn’t come all at once. It doesn’t “happen” to us. It is a catch-all term for a condition that is really a by-product of several different “qualities” or ways of being. These we have control over; they [...]

25 suggestions on how to live a happy life

2018-11-14T17:04:15-08:00The Laughter Blog|

Cherish your children for what they are, not for what you’d like them to be. Choose your life’s mate carefully. From this one decision will come ninety percent of all your happiness or misery. Don’t postpone joy. Don’t waste time learning the “tricks of the trade.” Instead, learn the trade. Focus on making things better, [...]

Mitakuye Oyasin: All Are Related

2018-11-14T17:21:38-08:00The Laughter Blog|

Mitakuye Oyasin (All Are Related) is a traditional Lakota Sioux prayer which reflects the inherent belief of most Native American traditions and belief systems that "Everything is Connected". Here is how it works: Leader Participants Aho Mitakuye Oyasin....All my relations. I honor you in this circle of life with me today. I am grateful [...]

The case against silliness

2018-04-03T17:37:02-08:00The Laughter Blog|

This article is a review of words frequently used in the world of laughter, the message they really convey and its impact. Words dictate thoughts, which create actions, which shape your life. You can change your life just by changing your words. Many people associate simulated laughter with silliness (acting silly) or being funny or childish. I [...]

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