Book Review: “Laughter: A Scientific Investigation”

2020-01-07T03:06:12-08:00The Laughter Blog|

Robert Provine, PhD, a psychologist at the University of Maryland-Baltimore County, elucidates these questions in his aptly titled book Laughter: A Scientific Investigation. Provine’s tight, witty prose leads the reader through a series of simple observational studies and hypotheses that exemplify scientific precepts and weave aspects of philosophy, evolution, neurology, and psychology together while managing [...]

Want To Change? Advertise Your Weaknesses

2018-11-14T16:11:28-08:00The Laughter Blog|

Every person has a fair share of strengths and weaknesses, but very few have the courage to talk about their weaknesses. It is understandably difficult to open up and admit to one’s faults and try to rectify them. Sometimes, we go through our entire life hiding our weaknesses, which most often is detrimental for our [...]

In Lak’ech Ala K’in – the Living Code of the Heart

2018-11-14T16:09:34-08:00The Laughter Blog|

Ancient Greetings that all say the same thing: you and I are one Namaste: from East India Wiracocha: from the Inca Mitakuye Oyasin: from the Lakota In Lak’ech (the response is “Ala K’in”): from the Mayan The law of In Lak’ech Ala K’in In Mayan tradition, there is a greeting that many people working with [...]

Laughter Therapy History: Who, What, When

2023-01-11T12:59:44-08:00The Laughter Blog|

This article offers a review of laughter therapy history. Once upon a time Middle East: Laughter in the Bible India: Did the Buddha laugh? Ancient Greece: Gelos: God of laughter and warriors? Japan: The gift of laughter to the Gods Persia: Hafiz, on laughter 100s of quotes on laughter throughout the ages 0 AD to 1959 I am [...]

New study says mirthful laughter produces brain wave frequencies similar to true state of meditation

2018-11-14T16:05:47-08:00The Laughter Blog|

Joyful or mirthful laughter produces brain wave frequencies similar to those seen among people who reach what is considered the desired “true state of meditation,” according to a new study from Loma Linda University Health. "When there is mirthful laughter, it’s as if the brain gets a workout because the gamma wave band (the only [...]

Why Laughter Is So Important

2018-10-02T19:28:09-08:00The Laughter Blog|

A Powerful Form Of Preventive (Lifestyle) Medicine Laughter positively affects all aspects of being. Studies show that it is a legitimate and powerful form preventive (lifestyle) medicine, and a complementary option to other established therapeutic strategies for physiological, mental, and emotional health, and more. Physiological benefits: laughter is a therapeutic ally in healing and a [...]

Laughter In Jails And Prisons: Why And How It Works

2022-08-03T23:40:40-08:00The Laughter Blog|

With the increase in crime all over the world, the prisons/correctional facilities are overburdened with prisoners, many of which harbor negative emotions and thoughts. Laughter programs offer a great way of dissipating these feelings of anger and frustration positively, vocalizing without having to verbalize anything. They are easy to implement and can substantially improve the [...]

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