Social Media Tip: A Hashtag Strategy For Laughter Events And Conferences

2018-11-16T07:48:49-08:00Tips: Laughter Business|

If you’re planning and hosting a laughter event such as a laughter conference or World Laughter Day celebration, social media can help you to connect with your audience and increase your event exposure. One way of enhancing your social media campaign is through a hashtag strategy. At the Australian 2015 Laughter Conference and Immersion, laughter [...]

Business Tip: How do I get multiple gigs from the one client?

2018-11-16T07:47:03-08:00Tips: Laughter Business|

Whenever I’m asked to present I always tailor the session to be specific to that group. I have a list of questions that I ask the client to determine exactly why they want me, and why with Laughter Yoga? One of the common mistakes that I see and hear people making is to present their [...]

Business Tip: How to create more than 3000 Laughter Programs

2018-11-14T18:08:26-08:00Tips: Laughter Business|

A laughter session is only a part of a program that you could offer a client, and not the program itself. A program should focus on the wants of the client and not the needs, and you should have a suite of programs to offer. Would you believe that by following this next formula you [...]

Business Tip: How much does it cost to run a Laughter Business?

2018-11-14T18:09:16-08:00Tips: Laughter Business|

A young boy walked up to his dad and asked “Dad how much does it cost to be married?’ His Dad replied “I don’t know son because I’m still paying for it!” Running a business is similar. Unless you truly understand all of the costs involved you can be paying for it for the rest [...]

How to start and run a Mastermind group

2018-04-03T17:14:23-08:00Tips: Laughter Business|

The concept of the "mastermind alliance" was formally introduced by Napoleon Hill in his timeless classic, "Think And Grow Rich." He wrote about the mastermind group principle as "The coordination of knowledge and effort of two or more people, who work toward a definite purpose, in the spirit of harmony." He continues "No two minds [...]

Business Tip: How to you go from free to a profitable laughter business?

2018-11-14T17:11:01-08:00Tips: Laughter Business|

I was recently asked “How do you go from a non-profit to a profitable laughter business?” Here is the “simple” 5 Step Process to achieve this. 1. Start and run a weekly Laughter Club. As a Laughter Club is free (I ask for donations to cover expenses which people happily pay), people have lower expectations [...]

Business Tip: Where are the laughter business opportunities?

2023-01-09T04:01:39-08:00Tips: Laughter Business|

“Show me the money” … Jerry Maguire This is one of the most memorable movie quotes ever. While the film buffs out there may cite “You had me at hello” from the same film as better, this is the one that sticks in my mind. It shows just how frustrating it can be to keep [...]

Business Tip: What to say when someone asks you to speak for free

2018-11-14T16:12:20-08:00Tips: Laughter Business|

There are over 90,000 professional/trade associations in the United States – and they all want speakers at their meetings – typically free speakers. I have been on both ends of the pro bono speaking gig. I have been the person at the lectern giving the pro bono presentation and the poor schlub (AKA “Director of [...]

Business Tip: Smile. It’s good for business

2018-11-14T11:52:57-08:00Tips: Laughter Business|

Just a few weeks ago I found an article in the business section of The Australian newspaper with this headline to it. Needless to say it caught my attention as my focus with laughter is to the business world. It talked about Positive Psychology as a wise investment, and then goes on to talk about [...]

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