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From Chuckles to Healing: 2023’s Comprehensive Guide to Laughter Studies

2024-01-11T15:10:29-08:00Benefits Of Laughter, Laughter News, The Laughter Blog|

In an era marked by fast change and many challenges, understanding how to care for our well-being and that of those around us is more important than ever. This article brings together 23 insightful studies from 2023, each illuminating the healing power of laughter. Page Index: The Healing Power of Laughter These [...]

More than one-third of graduate students report being depressed

2019-01-14T18:18:45-08:00Laughter News|

This recent report, based on the responses of 2,279 students in 26 nations, found that more than 40% of respondents had anxiety scores in the moderate to severe range, and that nearly 40% showed signs of moderate to severe depression. Laughter Wellness to the rescue! See

How to Hardwire Resilience into Your Brain

2018-12-14T15:23:11-08:00Laughter News|

This is a very interesting article by Rick and Forrest Hanson about what they call the HEAL system: Have a beneficial experience, Enrich it, Absorb it, Link it. Personally I find that this is a very elegant way to structure any relaxation experience after an enriching activity class (e.g., a Laughter Wellness session!) See

Laughter, Exercise and Dialysis

2018-12-14T15:23:16-08:00Benefits Of Laughter, Laughter News|

Here is the video of a laughter presentation Prof. Paul Bennett and myself gave last year at a national Dialysis conference in Washington DC. Exercise and Dialysis: What Can Busy Nephrology Nurses Do? This session reviews barriers to exercise in the kidney disease patient population and provides strategies for nurses to encourage and incorporate intradialytic [...]

AARP: Laughter Can Be as Good as Exercise for the Brain

2018-12-14T15:23:42-08:00Laughter News|

From AARP (38+ million members in the USA in the 55+ age group): Laughter Can Be as Good as Exercise for the Brain. "Laughing is a simple thing that anyone can do,” says Gulshan Sethi, a cardiothoracic surgeon at the Tucson Medical Center. “You don’t have to take any medicine. There are no adverse side [...]

Top 5 Regrets Of The Dying

2018-12-14T15:23:22-08:00Laughter News|

People grow a lot when they are faced with their own mortality. Here are common regrets people in palliative care with weeks to live have or anything they would do differently: I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me. I wish I didn’t [...]

2015 All America Laughter Conference Notes

2018-11-16T07:53:44-08:00Laughter News|

The 2015 All America Laughter Conference took place in Portland, Oregon, on 10/22-25. Close to 100 participants were in attendance, coming from all 4 corners of North America and as far as Israel, Argentina and Ecuador. You will find the notes taken by our two volunteer note takers Daniella Mostow and Judy Mikeska here (clicking [...]

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