Technique Review: The Laughter Meditation

2019-01-14T18:28:48-08:00Tips: Teaching & Speaking, Ways To More Laughter|

Here is how to facilitate a group laughter meditation (a.k.a. free laughter exercises.) A. Sit down and relax If you were previously standing up, it is now time to sit down. You can sit on a chair or directly on the floor, whichever is most comfortable for you. Sit comfortably in an inward facing [...]

Clapping hands can change your life: Science, Testimonial, Video

2023-04-05T07:06:39-08:00Ways To More Laughter|

Clapping hands is really good for you! According to several well established healing modalities (acupressure, acupuncture, reflexology, and various adaptations of the above), the hands and palms have numerous reflex points that, when stimulated, engage the body's healing response and prompt a gradual (sometimes near immediate) improvement in any type of ailment.

Top 40 Classic Happy Songs To Make You Feel Good Playlist

2018-12-29T08:39:15-08:00Ways To More Laughter|

Singing is powerful, because singing forces us to breathe, and breathing is what sustains our lives. Below is a list of classic happy songs. I've also put them together in a youtube playlist so that you can easily sing along. Enjoy, and happy singing! Youtube playlist Happy Songs Playlist All the songs below can be [...]

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