General Education For Laughter Professionals
In the news
- Iraqi TV comedian Ahmad Al Basheer: ‘Laughter is the best way to unify people the world over’
- Laughter helps politicians get their points across.
- Stress hormone linked to breast cancer
- Children in England ‘among unhappiest in world’
- A study shows that giggling in tandem is a good indicator a relationship’s going to last.
- New documentary surveys the funny world of medical clowns
Just for fun
- The Okeh Laughing Record was released in 1922 when the recording industry was still in its infancy. (It’s a basic trumpet tune interrupted by laughter) It was an immediate hit. It sold hundreds of thousands of copies and stayed in print for three decades.
- Colors and their meaning.
- Exercise to Energize Your Laughing Muscles
Miscellaneous Blogs
- Why happy employees are 12% more productive
- 8 Things Every Person Should Do Before 8 A.M.
- 6 Things to Do Every Day to Improve Your Life
- Empathy: the Most Important Thing
- 6 Habits Of Couples Who Laugh A Lot, Because Laughter Really Is The Best Medicine
- 4 Dark Sides To The Pursuit of Happiness
- 100 Wonderful Ways To Live To 100
- 10 Steps to a Happier Life, Backed By Research
- 22 Habits That Will Make Your Life a Little More Peaceful Each Day
- Negative Self-Talk: 9 Ways To Silence Your Inner Critic.
- A Psychiatrist Who Survived The Holocaust Explains Why Meaningfulness Matters More Than Happiness
- Laughter is food for the soul
- How Laughter Yoga can reduce stress
- Awe: the powerful emotion with strange and beautiful effects
- 25 Powerful Reasons to Eat Bananas
- The 5 Skills That Will Increase Your Happiness.
- Why Being Able To Laugh At Yourself Is Crucial To A Happy Life
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