General Education For Laughter Professionals

  • Encouragement ecards
  • Hierarchy Of Imagination.
  • Did you know that the quality of thoughts depends upon the kind of hormones which are circulating in your body? Everyone says ‘Think Positive’ but this is easier said than done. We have no control over what’s happening in the outside world, but you can engage in some joyful and playful activities, which will pump certain positive chemicals in your body thereby creating positive physiological changes lasting throughout the day. Read more.
  • A master was trying to explain something to a student. Now this student was not a brand new student, but a senior student who had learned many things. He had knowledge and experience aplenty to draw upon. But each time the master tried to explain something new to the student, the student kept trying to hold it up against his own notions of the way the world is and how it ought be, and he was unable to see the lessons in what the master was trying to teach him. Finally, the master poured a full serving of tea into his own cup, and into the cup of the student. Then he told the student he wanted to give to him some of the tea from his own cup. He began pouring tea from his cup into the student’s cup, but the student’s cup was already full, and all the tea from the master’s cup spilled out over the cup onto the surface below. The student said, "Master, you can’t pour anything into my cup until I empty it to make room for what you are trying to give me.", and the master replied "Yes I know." "And I can’t give you any new thoughts or ideas or perspectives on life’s lessons until you clear out some thoughts that are already teeming in your mind to make room for what I have to teach you." Then the master paused for a brief moment, meeting the student’s eyes with his own knowing look and calmly but sternly said: " If you truly seek understanding, then first, empty your cup!" The student pondered for a moment with a look of absolute bewilderment. Then a look of enlightenment came over him, followed by a smile, and a look of receptiveness. The master started to explain again, and this time the student saw what the master was trying to say.
  • Employee retention: IDEO’s Employee Engagement Formula. Four elements that make workers happier.

In the news

  • Testimonial (shared by Keith Adams): I received the following email from Margaret this evening – 18 months ago I did six consecutive laughter yoga sessions for mental health users. Margaret suffered badly at the time from depression. At the end of the last session, Margaret was bubbly. She told me she played violin in a string orchestra. Later she emailed to say she had got a part time job and is now studying the violin again. Laughter Yoga can be a great catalyst for depression. This is her email: I haven’t suffered depression for a long time – I’m too busy. I’ve formed a string quartet at my own house which is going fine – okay it’s only easy stuff but we have to start off somewhere. I have also been learning the viola which I seem to have taken to quite well. It seems our orchestra needs some more viola players so 5 of our violin players, including myself as I already have a viola, have been having free lessons with our conductor. Though I’m not doing it on a permanent basis as I told our conductor, I’d rather play the violin so he said I could take it in turns.
  • David Zucker: Leaving laughter in his wake
  • The decline of play in preschoolers — and the rise in sensory issues.

Just for fun

Miscellaneous Blogs
