General Education For Laughter Professionals
- eBook: A Playful Path: This is the latest in a series of books and articles that Bernie De Koven has written thus far to share his thoughts and (especially) his feelings about one of the most important and yet least understood and appreciated elements in human experience: play.
- Book summary: A whole new mind (by Daniel Pink)
- eBook: Man’s Search For Meaning (by Viktor Frankl)
- Cone of learning (by Edgar Dale)
- Happiness brings success, not the opposite
- Should you keep your goals to yourself? Derek Sivers makes a compelling case against going public with your goals in his short talk at the 2010 Ted Conference.
- People don’t buy what you do but why you do it. Do you know your Why? The purpose, cause, or belief that inspires you to do what you do.
- Mindfulness has huge health potential
- The pygmalion effect and the power of positive expectations
- Choir singing improves health, happiness – and is the perfect icebreaker
- And then she fell… This blog is about an experience I recently had where, for the first time in my 11 years full time laughter career, 911 had to be called, morphine administered, and one of my laughter club participant sent to hospital.
In the news
- Soundtrack: Laughing with an angel This 14 yo child cannot speak; no sight in the left eye, very little in the right nor can she stand, sit or walk, but she expresses pleasure with laughter, giggling and smiling. This is pure JOY in the moment. (For the record: Laughter is the easiest language because it does not require the use of the tongue, lips or palate.)
- Dance and laugh: Britain’s museums are being called upon to become more imaginative.
- Babies shown to have an ulterior motive when smiling.
- Almost dies in car accident, loses limbs, uses laughter yoga to recover from trauma
- New documentary: understanding the remarkable link between your mind, body and health.
Just for fun
Miscellaneous Blogs
- Google’s algorithm for happiness. Step one: “Calm your mind”. Step two: “Log moments of joy”. Step three: “Wish other people to be happy”
- Hygge: A heart-warming lesson from Denmark (on the importance of having a relaxed, cosy time with friends and family)
- Three Diabetes Therapies: Hugs, Smiles, and Laughter
- 4 Rituals That Will Make You Happy, According to Neuroscience: Ask a question (What am I grateful for?), label emotions, make decisions and give hugs
- An attitude of gratitude. Gratitude, like faith, is a muscle. The more you use it, the stronger it grows, and the more power you have to use it on your behalf.
- Sophie Scott on the importance of laughter. Social laughter is very different to spontaneous laughter in that it’s voluntary, and often takes place in conversational speech. It’s a communicative act — and it plays a very useful role in social interaction
- How to not be hard on yourself
- Beyond McMindfulness
- On Epigenetics and why laughing now on a regular basis could change the lives of your unborn children.
- 3 Tips for Maximizing Your Happiness at Work. (Their Crisis Is Not Your Emergency, Name Your Deal Breakers, Make a Social Contract.)
- Using Laughter To Promote Happiness To Promote Coca Cola. An ad agency created a local market stunt in Antwerp metro for the Belgian “choose happiness” campaign of The Coca-Cola Company.
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