Don’t know what to do? Here are 4 simple ideas to get you back on track.
Effortless Focus
This system was devised by Serge Kahili King, PhD. Here is the gist of it:
- STOP. Stop thinking, stop doing, stop trying. Just be aware and breathe in the present moment, doing only what is necessary for survival. Getting into this very present moment state may take minutes or months, but don’t forget your purpose.
- LOOK. Look at the situation from a different point of view, such as from a different profession, as a different person, or as if it were someone else’s problem.
- LISTEN. Ask the Universe for a solution. It may come as a sudden insight, a knowing, or an idea that comes from a book, TV, a movie, a sign, a friend, or a stranger. It may come right away, or it may take a few days. It will NOT come as command from an inner voice.
- ACT. Do something, anything, no matter how small or seemingly insignificant, toward changing the circumstances. Sometimes I have simple decluttered and/or rearranged my immediate environment to initiate changes in circumstances or opportunities.
- BLESS. Think a lot about what you want, and about how good it will feel to have it, but be okay with whatever happens. It also helps to bless (admire, appreciate) a lot of things that seem totally unrelated.
- TRUST. Believe that there is a way to solve your problem or get what you want, even if you don’t know what that is yet, and trust that access to whatever power you need does exist, even if you don’t feel it yet.
- EXPECT. Decide that everything will work out perfectly, even if differently, and that the Universe is really on your side to do something good for yourself and the world around you.
Sometimes the simplest techniques are the most powerful and most profound. Blessing is one of them. It is simply giving positive recognition to something or someone. You can do this through:
- Appreciation: “Thank you for your help.” “I give thanks for the warmth of the sun!” “I am grateful for my improving health.”
- Affirmation: “I bless the abundance in my life.” I bless the goodness of my grandmother.” “I bless the generosity of people giving to this cause.”
- Admiration: “What a beautiful tree!” “I love your hair!” “I really like the summer breeze.” “I love swimming. It feels so good!”
- Anticipation: “We’re going to have a great time on our trip!” “I wish you a Happy Birthday.” “Tonight is going to be amazing!”
The Presence Process
We all long to be free of our discomfort and experience inner peace. However, the attempt to get rid of our discomfort is misguided. We’re not broken and don’t need to be “healed.” Our difficulty is that our deeply suppressed emotional imprints from childhood distract us from an awareness of the present moment. Until this emotional charge from our past is integrated, our attempts to quiet our thoughts and access the peace, joy, and love that are bedrock to our being are of only limited success. Since presence is universal, it has the ability to manifest in our daily experience the very circumstances required for us to integrate the dysfunction that keeps us from experiencing the radiance of present moment awareness. We are each responsible for determining the quality of our personal experience, and The Presence Process guides us into taking responsibility for our emotional integration. It’s a way to consciously “grow up.”
Here is the essence of what Michael Brown teaches:
Give Yourself Away
David Dunn was a businessman who decided to take up the “hobby” of helping others. He wrote a little book “Try To Give Yourself Away” in the 1940’s about his experiences and it is just a joy and inspiration to read. It’s a classic book of service, attention, gratitude and the joy of giving yourself away, and it’s also filled with 100s of ideas you can implement right away, guaranteed to make you feel better! Read it here.
Related links
- The Strangest Secret – Video, Mp3, Transcript
- Ho’Oponopono: How To Practice It In 4 Simple Steps
- 250 Random Acts Of Kindness
- 40 Ideas To Experience Childlike Playfulness As Adults
- Inner Smile Meditation: How To Clear Negative Emotions Step By Step
- Laugh Therapy: 99 Ways In 99 Days
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