“There is no way to happiness, happiness is the way”
That’s what the picture said, I got it straightaway.
It was there on the wall. I had seen it before.
Guess I wasn’t ready for the message it bore.
But now things were different, I was ready to grow,
To learn, love and accept, simply go with the flow.
And so that very day I did something silly,
Illogical, insane: I chose to be merry.
Regardless of what life would keep for me in store,
Painful or challenging I would fight it no more.
Henceforth I’d be smiling instead of resisting.
And as for the result it is just amazing.
Happiness is now here, happiness is nowhere.
Either way you’re correct, everything comes in pair.
On Earth one thing is true: there is no absolute.
Good and bad coexist, choose the dance that’s for you.
See the joy, see the pain, the choice is yours to make.
They’re both there together and it is no mistake.
Why is the world this way? Who am I to tell you.
Ignorance is my bliss. We all live in a zoo,
And it’s very lively. Maybe that is the point.
To keep God entertained, we’re all held at gunpoint.
(You may laugh. I do too for what isn’t funny
On the great stage of life? That’s my epiphany.)
As a close I urge you: Do not wait a second.
Plant a seed in your eyes. You’ll experience first hand
That seeds of love and joy reach deeply for your soul
And transform your vision, simply help you recall:
When you have a hammer, all you can see is nails.
Change your tools! See the good. Your happiness won’t fail.
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