This article explores the why and proposes a simple how to manage stress. Stress is a well-known slow killer, is rampant in our society, and is very expensive on all levels. Its mechanisms are complex. It impacts everybody differently, but its end-result is easy to observe and explain. It creates havoc in the human body, leads to depression, kills creativity, isolates people when they most need social connections and slowly destroys one’s self-esteem. Stress cannot be ignored.
What’s the solution? Let’s keep it sweet and simple, just like laughter.
Gentlemen, why don’t you laugh? With the fearful strain that is upon me day and night, if I did not laugh I should die, and you need this medicine as much as I do.Abraham Lincoln, during the Civil War
Simple Safe and Stimulating Ways To Manage Stress With Laughter
Try this to get started right now:
- Laughing Exercise: If You Love To Laugh You’Ll Love This How To Guide!
- 40 Ideas To Experience Childlike Playfulness As Adults
- Laugh Therapy: 99 Ways In 99 Days
- Laughter Yoga Clubs You Will Fall In Love With
…Because Laughter Is A Healthy Way To Handle Stress
- Laughter triggers the release of a cocktail of happy chemicals that boosts the immune responses, particularly components related to anti-viral and anti-tumor defenses. This cocktail includes NK cells, endorphins, serotonin, growth hormone, interferon-gamma (IFN) and a host of other beneficial substances produced naturally every time we laugh heartily for extended periods.
- Laughter diminishes the secretion of cortisol and epinephrine, while enhancing immune reactivity.
- Laughter boosts secretion of growth hormone, an enhancer of key immune responses.
- Laughing leads to the release of endorphins, a self-manufactured natural opiate that has been scientifically shown to carry messages of attachment and bonding (the scientific terms for love), and to stimulate feelings of caring and forgiveness in addition to acting as a natural painkiller. Endorphins create a positive state of mind and boost optimism, self-confidence and feelings of self-worth.
- By enhancing the free flow of emotions, laughter can help dislodge blocked emotions stored in the body. Suppressed or blocked emotions can cause ongoing physical, mental and emotional problems and stress. Their release can be life-changing. Laughter provides an excellent non-violent method for emotional release and catharsis.
- Laughter stimulates circulation and aids muscle relaxation, both of which help reduce some of the physical symptoms of stress.
- Expect to be far less tense and anxious after a Laughter Wellness or Laughter Yoga session! By increasing endorphins (hormones which assuage the sympathetic nervous system) laughter facilitates a state of peace in the body.
- Laughter is a natural antidote to many of the illness-causing effects of stress.
Relevant studies on laughter and stress
Here is a good place to start:
- Humor, laughter, learning, and health! A brief review (Brandon M Savage, H. Lujan, Raghavendar R. Thipparthi, S. DiCarlo, 2017): Highlights the health benefits of laughter, including reduced stress hormones and enhanced psychological well-being. Read more.
- The impact of laughter yoga on the stress of cancer patients before chemotherapy (Shadi Farifteh, Alireza Mohammadi-Aria, A. Kiamanesh, B. Mofid, 2014): Found that laughter yoga decreased stress in cancer patients prior to chemotherapy. Read more.
- The use of humor and laughter in research about end-of-life discussions (I. Olver, J. Eliott, 2014): Explores the role of humor in easing stress and improving communication in sensitive end-of-life discussions. Read more.
- The impact of laughter yoga on subjective well-being: A pilot study (Melissa K. Weinberg, Thomas G. Hammond, R. Cummins, 2013): Reported significant improvements in well-being and reductions in symptoms of anxiety and stress following laughter yoga sessions. Read more.
Related links
- Benefits Of Laughter: The Ultimate Cheat Sheet
- Help For Depression: Laugh To Activate Happy Feelings!
- Laughing Exercise: If You Love To Laugh You’Ll Love This How To Guide!
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