Look around you…
Who are the people sitting/living next to you?
The people next to you…
are the greatest miracles you will ever meet at this moment…
and the greatest mysteries.
The people next to you…
are a unique universe of experience
seething with necessity and possibility,
dread and desire, smiles and frowns,
laughter and tears, fears and hopes…
all struggling to find expression.
The people next to you…
believe in something,
stand for something,
count for something,
labor for something,
wait for something,
wait for something,
run from something,
run towards something.
The people next to you…
are more than any description,
are more than any explanation,
The people next to you…
have an inexhaustible reservoir of possibilities,
which have only been partially been touched.
The people next to you…
are searching…
for meaning,
for inner-peace,
for self-esteem,
for something they already have
they just have to realize that.
The people next to you..
have problems and fears, just like you,
… are often undecided,
… but are endowed with great toughness in the face of adversity
and are able to survive the most unbelievable
difficulties and challenges.
The people next to you…
… are combinations of people
met during all of their lifetimes.
The people next to you…
have something they can do better than anyone else in the world,
have strengths they do not even recognize,
need to talk about their abilities,
need you to listen.
The people next to you…
need a friend,
want to be a friend,
Isn’t that what you want too?
The people next to you…
are special human beings
… and so are you!
You will want to get to know these people. (Click here to learn how to laugh with them!)
Source: Unknown
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