I love the random acts of kindness challenge. The idea is to inspire people to make a life-long commitment to service and kindness. The event challenges participants to complete a checklist of a set amount of acts of kindness in one week, including such things as holding the door for someone, helping a friend, or picking up trash. Each person is welcome to create their own list. May you find plenty of inspiration here!

130 Random Acts of Kindness for Kids and Adults Alike

  1. Random acts of kindnessBe kind to yourself!
  2. Brew a cup of tea and allow yourself to slowly sip.
  3. Bring a security guard a hot cup of coffee.
  4. Bring in fun office supplies to liven up the workday for everyone.
  5. Bring sweet treats to the office.
  6. Bring your partner breakfast in bed.
  7. Buy a plant. Put it in a pot. Write positive words that describe a friend on the pot. Give it to that friend!
  8. Buy a movie ticket for the person behind you.
  9. Call someone and leave a message saying what you love best about them.
  10. Call your family just to say hi and find out what they’re doing.
  11. Call, write and/or spend time with your grandparents.
  12. Close your eyes and imagine lying under a cherry blossom tree, with a warm breeze blowing.
  13. Compliment someone in front of others. For example, if you encounter someone in customer service who is especially kind, take an extra five minutes to tell their manager. (Be specific: Thank you for XYZ, rather than just “Thank you.”
  14. Compliment the first three people you talk to today. (Be specific: Thank you for XYZ, rather than just “Thank you.”
  15. Cook a meal or do a load of laundry for a friend who just had a baby or is going through a difficult time.
  16. Do a favor or something nice to someone without asking for anything in return.
  17. Do a sibling’s chores without them asking.
  18. Do the dishes even if it’s your roommate or partner’s turn.
  19. Do the 30 days of no-complaints challenge.
  20. Don’t expect kindness in schools. Teach it!
  21. Donate your (long) hair to someone with cancer.
  22. Don’t interrupt when someone else is speaking.
  23. Donate Christmas gifts to an orphanage.
  24. Donate money to charity.
  25. Each time you get a new piece of clothing, donate an old one.
  26. Email or write to a former teacher who made a difference in your life.

  1. Every day at the end of the day write in a journal three things that “sparkled” for you.
  2. Everyone is important. Learn the names of your office security guard, the person at the front desk and other people you see every day. Greet them by name.
  3. Find opportunities to give descriptive compliments to as many people as possible (“thank you for XYZ”, “I appreciate that…”) Don’t just think it. Say it, and be specific so that the person on the receiving end knows exactly what they are being complimented for or about.
  4. Give 10 hugs today.
  5. Give away stuff for free. (E.g., Goodwill, Salvation Army, Craigslist…).
  6. Give someone a book you think they’d like.
  7. Give someone you love a shoulder rub and get a lift from their gratitude.
  8. Give someone a gift card that you don’t intend to use.
  9. Give up your seat on the bus to another person.
  10. Give your parking ticket to someone else after you’ve used it.
  11. Go to your local library and pro-actively ask to pay for a stranger’s library fees.
  12. Hang out with the person who just moved to town.
  13. Hang up a bird feeder in your garden or balcony, or feed the birds in a park.
  14. Have a clean up party in the public space of your choice, e.g., a beach, park, or your own street!
  15. Have a LinkedIn account? Write a recommendation for coworker or connection.
  16. Help someone struggling with heavy bags.
  17. Help your elderly neighbor take out the trash or mow their lawn.
  18. Help a senior with their groceries.
  19. Help do chores at a local farm or ranch.
  20. Help someone who has a flat tire.
  21. Help tutor a struggling student.
  22. Help out the janitor(s) at your school.
  23. Hide $1 bills behind products at your local supermarket.
  24. Hide money in random places for strangers to find.
  25. Hold the door for someone (this includes the elevator door!)
  26. If you walk by a car with an expired parking meter, put a quarter in it.
  27. Introduce yourself to a stranger who you often cross paths with.
  28. Invite someone over for a home cooked meal.
  29. Know parents who could use a night out? Offer to babysit for free.

  1. Leave a kind server the biggest tip you can afford.
  2. Leave an interesting copy of a book on a train or bus.
  3. Leave quarters at the laundromat.
  4. Leave money on a vending machine for someone.
  5. Leave some change on a wishing fountain.
  6. Leave unused coupons next to corresponding products in the grocery store.
  7. Let a car into the line of traffic.
  8. Let someone go in front of you in the supermarket queue, or anywhere else you happen to be where there is a line.
  9. Let someone else pick what to watch on TV.
  10. Make a hope pack for a child entering foster care.
  11. Make dinner for a family in need.
  12. Make hot chocolate for your family on a cold day.
  13. Make someone a homemade blanket or scarf.
  14. Mentor someone, e.g., a teenager or younger child.
  15. Pack someone a lunch for the day.
  16. Park far away from the building and let them have the better parking space.
  17. Participate in a fundraiser.
  18. Pay the toll for the person behind you.
  19. Pay for someone else’s bus fare.
  20. Pay for someone else’s meal at a restaurant.
  21. Pay for someone else’s morning coffee.
  22. Pay for someone else’s dry cleaning.
  23. Perform a concert at a local retirement or nursing home.
  24. Plan a surprise birthday party for someone.
  25. Plant a tree.
  26. Play board games with senior citizens at a local retirement or nursing home.
  27. Post inspirational sticky notes around your neighborhood, office, school, on the mirrors in restrooms, etc. (see below.)
  28. Practice self-kindness and spend 30 minutes doing something you love today.
  29. Put 50 paper hearts in a box. On each cutout write something that is special about your partner or a friend. Give them the box and tell them to pull out a heart anytime they need a pick-me-up.
  30. Prepare a surprise meal for your friends or family (especially if you’re the one who never cooks.)
  31. Put your phone away while in the company of others.
  32. Recycle trash and make art with it.
  33. Relay an overheard compliment.
  34. Return shopping carts for people at the grocery store.
  35. Run or walk for a cause.
  36. Say thank you to a janitor.
  37. Say yes at the store when the cashier asks if you want to donate $1 to whichever cause.
  38. Send 10 Valentine’s day cards to people who have made a difference in your life.
  39. Send a thank you card or note to the officers at your local police or fire station.
  40. Send a gratitude email to a coworker who deserves more recognition.

  1. Send a letter to a good friend instead of a text message.
  2. Send a positive text message to five different people right now.
  3. Send a thank you note to someone who has helped you in the past.
  4. Send care packages to soldiers overseas.
  5. Send coloring books to sick kids in the hospital.
  6. Set an alarm on your phone to go off at three different times during the day. In those moments, do something kind for someone else.
  7. Share your umbrella with a stranger on a rainy day.
  8. Shovel a neighbor’s driveway when it snows.
  9. Sincerely compliment your boss.h
  10. Spread some encouragement rather than negativity online.
  11. Surprise a neighbor with freshly baked cookies or treats!
  12. Surprise your parter or family and clean your house if you’re the one who never does it.
  13. Take a couple hours out of your week to volunteer.
  14. Take flowers or treats to the nurses’ station at your nearest hospital.
  15. Take photos of your friends and make them into a digital album.
  16. Take happy/smiling photos of strangers and email it to them.
  17. Take someone new in your neighborhood on a tour of the city.
  18. Take the time to listen to someone.
  19. Talk to someone you haven’t talked to before.
  20. Talk to the shy person who’s sitting by themselves at a party.
  21. Tape coins around a playground for kids to find.
  22. Tell your siblings how much you appreciate them.
  23. Volunteer to read to kids at an after-school program or at your local library for story time.
  24. Volunteer at a homeless shelter.
  25. Volunteer at a veterinarian office.
  26. Walk your friend’s or a neighbor’s dog.
  27. Wash a friend’s car.
  28. Water a neighbor’s lawn or flowers.
  29. When everyone around you is gossiping about someone, be the one to butt in with something nice.
  30. When you go somewhere to get or do something, ask the people around you if you can pick up anything they need.
  31. Write a kind or encouraging message on a napkin.
  32. Write a letter to soldiers or prisoners.
  33. Write a positive comment on your favorite blog, website, or a friend’s social media account.
  34. Write down three things you’re really proud that you’ve accomplished.
  35. Write your partner a list of things you love about them.

50 Random Acts Of Kindness Inspirational Sticky Notes

  1. An attitude of gratitude brings great things.
  2. At any given moment you have the power to say this is not how the story is going to end.
  3. Be a part of life, not afraid of it.
  4. Be bold. Be beautiful. Be you.
  5. Being positive in a negative situation is not naïve. It’s leadership.
  6. Believe you can and you’re halfway there.
  7. Change how you see, not how you look.
  8. Collect moments, not things.
  9. Complain less. Breathe more.
  10. Don’t be afraid to fail. Be afraid not to try.
  11. Don’t let your mind bully your body.
  12. Every day is beautiful if you choose to see it.
  13. Everything will be all right.
  14. Excellence is not an act. It’s a habit.
  15. F.A.I.L.: First Attempt In Learning.
  16. Glitter is my Prozac.
  17. Good looks fade, but a good heart keeps your beautiful forever.
  18. O.P.E.: Hold On, Pain Ends.
  19. I am a magnet for ideas.
  20. I am a superfly success machine.
  21. I am grateful for another day to shine.
  22. I have an abundance of energy.
  23. I love to hear you laugh.
  24. I will be a giver of love today.
  25. I will be fearless today.
  26. I will help someone today.
  27. I’m glad to work with you.
  28. It’s ok not to know, but its not ok not to try.
  29. Life is better with friends.
  30. Stop looking for the magic. You are it.
  31. Surround yourself with positive people.
  32. Take what you need: Love, joy, faith, patience, courage, understanding, peace, passion, healing, strength, beauty, freedom, security, forgiveness, kindness, motivation.
  33. The most successful people don’t run from change; they run toward it.
  34. The only person I strive to be better than is the person I was yesterday.
  35. The sunrise fills me with confidence.
  36. Today is full of possibilities.
  37. Today is my day.
  38. Today, I will learn and grow.
  39. Trust your inner wisdom.
  40. What you allow is what will continue.
  41. Whatever challenge come my way, I can overcome them.
  42. Why fit in when you were born to stand out?
  43. You are a walking breathing wonder.
  44. You are beautiful at any weight.
  45. You are strong than you seem, braver than you believe, and smarter than you think you are.
  46. You have a gorgeous smile.
  47. You look awesome today.
  48. You may have to fight a battle more than once to win it.
  49. You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have.
  50. You’re an unstoppable and glamorous freight train. Full speed ahead.

70 Acts of Kindness For Her

  1. 70 Acts of Kindness For HerArrange for her to have a night out with her friends.
  2. Ask her about her day and listen with interest.
  3. Buy a packet of glow in the dark stars and stick the stars above your bed to spell out the message “I love you.”
  4. Buy her a gold fish, and give it to her with a card saying “Of all the fish in the sea, you’re the fish for me!”
  5. Buy her a stylish hand mirror and gift it to her with the card saying “In this mirror you will see the image of the most beautiful woman in the world.”
  6. Buy the web domain of her name, e.g., hername.com and create a 1 page website for her with the image of a rose and a romantic poem. Then casually ask her if she has checked if her domain name was available.
  7. Call her unexpectedly during the day just to say I love you.
  8. Clean her car.
  9. Compliment her often.
  10. Contact her family and ask them if there is anything she always wanted when she was a little girl. If possible buy that for her birthday.
  11. Create a loving nickname for her. This could be the name she was called by her family when she was a little girl, or something that is special just for the two of you.
  12. Create a photo album of both of you.
  13. Create a playlist of her favorite songs from when you were dating.
  14. Create a time capsule.
  15. Dance with her.
  16. Do one of her chores.
  17. Draw heart on the steamy bathroom mirror.
  18. Dress up to greet her at the end of a long day.
  19. Even if you are going down the road to buy some milk, act as though you are returning home after a major adventure and give her a huge bear hug.
  20. Get up early and make her breakfast.
  21. Gift her a bottle of massage oil with a card that says “Free 1 Hour Massage. To Schedule Your Appointment Call (put your phone number her.)”
  22. Gift her a special (closed) box that you will have pre-filled with some of her favorite snacks, e.g., chocolates, cookies, herbal tea, a small teddy bear…and of course a happy picture of both of you. Tell her to open it only when things get really tough.
  23. Give her a back rub before bed.
  24. Give her a hand and/or foot massage.
  25. Give her a neck massage.
  26. Give her a scalp massage.
  27. Give her a teddy bear, saying that it’s her new bodyguard to look after her when you are away.
  28. Go for a walk in a public park and visit the swings together.
  29. Go for a walk on the beach and draw the shape of a large heart.
  30. Have a really big pillow fight.
  31. Have an art and craft day with her!
  32. Have flowers delivered to her workplace.
  33. Help her with a project.

  1. Hide a love note in her purse.
  2. If she has a pet, buy a small present for her pet on her birthday or at Christmas.
  3. If she has long hair, take the time to brush it using long slow strokes after she has taken a bath or shower.
  4. Invite some friends and play any of these fun indoor or outdoor games.
  5. Leave a post-it note with a sweet message on the steering wheel of her car.
  6. Make a list of all the things you love about her and leave it on her pillow.
  7. Make her a snack lunch to bring to work.
  8. Memorize a love poem and recite it to her when you are in a romantic setting.
  9. Next time you order a pizza, ask to have it cut into a heart shape before it is delivered to your home.
  10. Offer her a key to your heart.
  11. Offer her the seed of
  12. On a special occasion buy her 11 real roses and 1 artificial one. Place the artificial rose in the center of the bouquet. Attach a card that says “I will love you until the last rose fades.”
  13. Organize a professional photo shoot to obtain a portrait of the two of you as a couple.
  14. Plan a date or surprise get-away with her.
  15. Plan a romantic scavenger hunt for her.
  16. Play a board game with her.
  17. Play an instrument and/or sing her a love song under/outside her balcony.
  18. Prepare her a dinner with her favorite food.
  19. Print a happy photo of both of you and gift it to her.
  20. Read a book she has recently read and talk about it.
  21. Send her a text message that says “I thought of you today and it made me smile”
  22. She is starting a new job? Text her a link to I have confidence from the Sound of Music with the words “Good luck! I have confidence in you.”
  23. Spend a leisurely afternoon with her in a museum or book store.
  24. Surprise her with a small gift, just because.
  25. Surprise her with a warm towel after a shower or bath (warm it up in the dryer).
  26. Take a book or magazine that she is reading and using a pencil underline letters on a page she has not yet read, to spell out the secret message “I love you.”
  27. Take a picture of your hand and text/email it to her with the words “Do you want to hold hands?”
  28. Teach her the Ho’oponopono method.
  29. Tell her about something you admire in her.
  30. Tell her something you appreciate about her.
  31. Text or email her a poem.
  32. The day before her birthday, buy her some helium balloons, streamers and flowers and hide them in a closet. When she has fallen asleep, string the streamers around the room and bring out the balloons and flowers. Place them around the bed so that she wakes up to a nice birthday surprise.
  33. Try these fun and simple Laughter Wellness exercises with her.
  34. Visit a Laughter Club with her.
  35. Watch her favorite show with her.
  36. When she is sick take a day off to look after her.
  37. Write her a letter about your favorite memories together.

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