Last week I was one of three speakers asked to present to a room full of academics. We had to discuss the research and results on our nominated topic. The first speaker was a doctor who, in a world first, had developed and implanted a 3D printed human jaw prosthesis to correct a young man’s congenital jaw deformity. The second was another doctor who was a behavioral neuroscientist who has a degree in molecular biology who talked on how drugs impact the neural pathways and chemicals of the brain to create addiction. It was then my turn to talk about “Why Laughter is the Best Medicine”. I just stood up and told my story.

Our stories are very powerful in getting us the opportunities to present to others like the one mentioned above. People will read or hear of your story and then give you a call. It is one of your biggest marketing tools that can be used in a variety of places.

It is also good in helping you to define your “purpose and place” in the world. Sit down and tell yourself your story of where you’ve been, where you’re at, and more importantly where you’d like to be.

Your presentation style when delivering your story should be to “invite and not invade”. People listening to you want to be drawn to you in thinking that they too can improve their life in some way, instead of saying to themselves “That’s fine for him but that could never be the case for me”.

Depending on how well you conveyed your story will have the people “mad or glad” that they were there. This can be measured by how many people want to engage with you straight after your presentation, how many take away your business card or flier, and then call you after the event.

Here is where you can tell your story.

  • On your website. On the front page of your website should be the story of why people should invite YOU along with YOUR TOPIC to present to THEM … NOW.
  • In your BIO. People make a first impression in the first thirty seconds of seeing you. Reading about your story ahead of time, or hearing it read out just as you are about to speak, sets the scene early about expectations.
  • When networking. Your elevator speech is used when you’re out and about. It’s a simple sentence that will get you a follow up meeting for work opportunities when you’re face to face for the first time with a potential client.
  • From the stage. Your story should “engage and inspire” your audience. It should draw them to the edge of their seats, keep them there, and then launch them to their feet in a standing ovation at the end.
  • In blogs columns and books. Unless you are a professional writer or journalist this is more about clarifying your story in your own mind. Write it down, read it out aloud, and at the end you should be busting with anticipation at the prospect of meeting this person one day. Then go and look in the mirror and smile and then laugh.

If you have any further questions regarding your story then please feel free to email me at at anytime.