When I became a professional speaker back in 2002 I decided that I needed some help, so I joined the National Speakers Association of Australia (NSAA). Many people join a Toastmasters group. Both are ideal in their own way. NSAA teaches you “how to run a speaking business”, while Toastmasters teaches you “how to speak.”
I spent lots of time energy and money with NSAA until one day a very successful speaker told me that you only need two things to be a GRRREAT speaker. Authenticity and Energy. Could it be that simple? The answer is yes.
I have learnt more from watching bad speakers than I have good ones and the reason is simple. It’s so easy to see why a bad speaker is bad. With a good one it’s not always that obvious. So once you’ve learnt all of the basics about where to stand on stage, where to look, and what to say, then work of being authentic, and exude energy.
Here are some tips regarding authenticity and energy.
- Speak from your heart and not your head. People connect with a speaker through their emotions. Facts and data are good but they are not the main way to connect and inspire.
- Use the tone and quality of your voice to keep that connection. Running around the stage won’t do it. They will probably end up with motion sickness ha ha ha.
- Smile and laugh a lot. People want to be uplifted in a happy way by watching a happy person. If you want to soar then be uplifting.
- Be positive with your stories. Focus more on the benefits that laughter provides rather than how and why it does it. What better way to be true to the brand.
- Be polite and respectful to your audience. Your presentation is all about THEM and not about YOU. Replace your ego with empathy and compassion.
If you have any further questions about “Authenticity and Energy”, please feel free to email me at mervneal@laughteryoga.org at anytime.
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